New Social System Brings
MASSIVE AMOUNTS Of Zero Cost Traffic
At The Push Of A Button
Increase your reach in Facebook Groups, Generating more Traffic, Leads
Reach 1000's Of Potential Customers: Without Spending $1000's On FB Ads
Dear Marketer,
I'm going to keep this as short and as simple as possible and cut right to the chase and do things completely differently, you see most sales pages are full of fluff and shady tactics to try and make you buy.
Instead what I'm going to do here is actually provide you with information that WILL help you with examples how you can use this in your own business?
The thing most people forget is that Facebook was built on community, built on connections and meeting new people and 1000's of thriving group communities have been built on the back of word of mouth, sharing, liking and just people using FB on a daily basis.
So why would you not leverage these completely free to post to FB groups?

Go and take a look at a few of your own generic niche keywords in Facebook, I bet you will find 1000's of targeted people that you can get in front of without spending a dime and within minutes.
It's as simple as searching for the keywords in the niche(s) you want to get traffic in, make a post and go through the list one by one and make a post in each and every group.
It could be to lead them to a blog post, a freebie, a sales page (maybe not even your own) or even just to get more likes on your Facebook page.
Pro Tip: Plus this gives you a perfect opportunity to pre-test your potential FB ad before you spend money on it, post a different one in each group, save the links to your specific post and keep bumping them up so they stay at the top in terms of engagement.
Why This Fits Into Your Business...
By now you should have seen the potential with Facebook groups...
You also know that even if you don't have your own blog, your own product, squeeze page or even a facebook page that you could use the methods we have already discussed to go out and sell this as a service or just run this to products and services that your an affiliate of too.
Which is now, sadly where most people quit!
I'm going to be brutally honest here (yet again) and tell you straight, this is totally boring!

Joining 100's of facebook groups, then loading up each one individually, copying and pasting your post, uploading the image if you're using one (highly recommended) and then keeping track in a separate file (bookmarks get way too messy quickly) of each post url so you can come back to it later and a). check it still exists and then b). leaving a comment underneath it so it brings it back up to the top or to post an update rather than a brand new post.
It's a massive pain in the derriere!
Then that's just one post, try replicating it and splitting those groups into 2 or 3 parts so you can split test different images, different text or a completely different offer... it gets messy fast!
Don't get me wrong, doing this manually works! and works really really well! - BUT! If you want to scale, be motivated to do this consistently and really be spending your time on things that actually matter when this can and should be automated then keep reading...

You see... time wise it then becomes something that just isn't worth while!
I've been there, i've been the guy who has kept spreadsheet after spreadsheet of links, going through and clicking on them each time and trying to keep on top of 5 different posts in different niches.
Then that's just one post, try replicating it and splitting those groups into 2 or 3 parts so you can split test different images, different text or a completely different offer... it gets messy fast!
Automate it ! Take Minutes not Hours

Automatically Deliver Your Post
to 100's of groups while you get on with your day, simple set and forget!

Reach 1000's Of People
with the one click bump function to keep your posts at the top of the groups and driving you fresh traffic!

Use Inteli-Bump
to stop looking like your just spamming the groups, the clever way to keep your business growing 24/7!
Why You Will Be Using This Software,
Its Easier, Its Faster, and Its Consistent
Instantly Get New Content Seen & Generating Traffic
Just written a new blog post? Load it up with the software and away you go, automatically posting to your selected list of groups to start driving traffic while you get on with working on something else.

Have a Launch coming up and need JV's/Affiliate Partners?
There are 100's of these groups that take hours and hours to post to manually, and every time your launch get's closer or you need to post an update you can now post the updates as a comments and send everyone who has hit the like button or commented underneath and instant notification, reminding them about your launch and keeping them and new people up to date without spamming the groups again and again.

Created A Freebie Squeeze Page?
Everyone loves a freebie, provide some value and instantly get new subscribers and create posts that people in the groups naturally love anyway and keep bumped up.

So Now You Have The Potential To Post To 100's Of Groups Automatically & Drive Traffic, Leads
24/7 On Demand...
So you have now seen the opportunity, your brain is probably buzzing with ideas on how you can leverage these groups in your niche(s) and how you can sell this as a service, BUT your missing the tool to make this easy!
Now I'm going to be honest here (yet again!), there have been loads of these tools out there on the market before and there are still a few others out there right now gathering dust and mostly forgotten about.
The issue with them is that they have been built simply to make money for the creator of the tools by selling access to them rather than actually solving a problem and being used by the creators.
Which is where were different!
This has been tested, optimized and is built based on the real problems and solves each and every single one of them.
Ever use a social automation tool and instantly received a horrible message telling you to stop using that tool or face your account being banned or restricted?
Or seen posts on facebook like this...

That's because they are using a Facebook App and are telling facebook that they are spamming!
Big Red Flag Right There!
Which then results in messages like this instantly... telling you to STOP!

Which Is Where This Tool Comes To Your Rescue...
Social System Elite Is Different!
You HAVE to replicate the manual process of doing things! Which is exactly why we built this tool...
Or even worse spending the time crafting the perfect post and finding out after that it hasn't posted to all of the groups you told it to, meaning you can't re-run that campaign for weeks in fear of the group admins removing you from the group and losing that traffic source forever.
We make sure everything the tool does is tracked, tested and built to make it easy!
Plus because we use this in our own business's day in and day out, it's updated, improved and we actually value your suggestions to improve things.
It's never going to be stale, broken and outdated!
So let's take a proper look at exactly how Social System Elite works...
Here it is: Social System Elite
A Targeted FB Posting tool, that you tell it exactly where to post, what to post, and allow you to bump those posts to keep your reach higher, traffic coming in and leads while you work on other aspects of your business

Post: In just a few clicks you all setup ready to roll and most importantly post your message into 100's of FB Groups in just a few clicks.

Bump: Leverage your previous post and bump it back up to the top of the group as often as you want, plus utilize the intelligent technology to hide it and stop it seeming like spam to admins and group moderators.

Re-Run: Why stop at just one bump? keep it up at the top and use the intel-bump feature to stop it being seen as spam with 100's of comments underneath of you typing the word "bump" or be seen doing it every hour to keep the group members happy.

The Pros List

Real Human Interaction

What you can expect when you purchase

30 Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you don't feel this helps your business, would prefer to post manually to the 100's of facebook groups and simply prefer wasting your time, and that the software is not working properly for you then just send us a support ticket and we will de-activate your license and send you a refund. It's our promise to you :)

Frequently Ask Question
Can I use this on a MAC?
*Only if you have a windows virtual environment. This is a PC Software
Is this safe to use?
*Yes if you follow our recommendations you should not have any issues. However you should always use automation software responsibly. So lets not go trying to post in every group FB has available all at one time.
Can I run this on a server/vps?
*Yes absolutely, we recommend windows server 2016 or windows 10 server
Will I receive updates?
*Yes updates are included with monthly subscription for software.
Here today gone tomorrow?
*You can rest assured we are no fly by night product vendor. While we understand most others put out a product to never update it, and abandon it months later that is not the type of business we practice. We constantly update our software and build new features to make things better for our customers.
Support or questions?
*Use our support desk at the following link we would be happy to help you click here
P.S. This offer will not be available for ever, we have it set up to increase in price as we make more updates, improvements and add extra features to the software. So lock in the cheap price while it's still available as the price will only ever go up.
P.S.S If you have any questions at all before you buy then click below and drop us a message. We are here to help :)